Gan Beck
Voice Artist & Video Producer
As a voice talent, my role is the storyteller who breathes life into scripts, turning words into an auditory journey that truly connects with your audience. With a passion for the spoken word, I bring versatility to every project, helping create your unique story. My voice is not just a tool; it's a vehicle for emotion and connection, ensuring that each script becomes an unforgettable moment for listeners. With a dedication to authenticity and a love for the art of vocal expression, I can be the voice that turns your narrative into an immersive connection with your audience.
Let me bring your story to life with the following services :
Voice Overs
Writing/editing copy
Complete video production
My work has been featured in projects such as:
Interactive e-Learning courses
Explainer videos
Tutorials & instructional videos
Promotional videos
Public address announcement systems
Phone systems
I'd love to be a part of your next multimedia production! I can help at whatever stage your project is in and I'll work within your budget.
Get in touch with me today.